
Fast Hair Extension Secrets

While women of harem in Ottoman times brought special oils for their hair from different lands, we, women of modern times, chase unlimited products and special hair care offered to us. Because healthy, bushy and long hair for us women has always been the focus of our desire for beauty. While some of us have bushy hair that grows fast in structure, some of us waited for months for the hair to grow a few centimeters. Even though we can get long and bushy hair without waiting, thanks to the hair resources, it is always our benefit to learn the methods of extending our hair naturally.

In this article, we will inform you about why your hair cannot grow fast and how you can accelerate its growth.

Why Doesn't My Hair Grow?

Before I come to the methods of fastening your hair, I would like to talk about why your hair does not grow fast. Did you know that human hair grows an average of 1.25 cm a month? This corresponds to 16 cm in a year. If you do not see such a growth in your own hair, you either neglected your hair, or your hair was constantly broken from the ends while growing from the roots. So your hair remained the same length and it seems difficult to grow until you find the right method.

1.You Have Too Many Processes On Your Hair

Dyeing with a decoiler, getting a perm, and exposing it to the straightener frequently can wear out your hair, causing breaks and thus slow your hair growth. Exposing your hair to chemicals and heat constantly dries the natural oils your hair has. Chemical dyes also cause the fractures on the ends of your hair to rise up higher so that your hair has an unhealthy appearance. Simply put, a healthy hair; unhealthy hair, while looking straight, smooth and shiny; it looks dull, brittle and fluffy. As a result, overprocessing causes fractures and makes it very difficult for your hair to grow.

2. Straightening or Curling Your Hair While Wet

There's a reason your hairdresser dries your hair well before styling! Wet hair tends to be damaged more than dry hair. Do you recall that crackling hearing when you straighten your hair wet? That crunch comes out when water and heat combine and fry your hair.

3.Wash Your Hair More Than Needed

It is a good thing to wash your hair every day, because it becomes clean and a clean hair looks better, right? Actually not. Washing your hair more than necessary is one of the main reasons for having dry and damaged hair. It secretes natural oils that protect your scalp, hair and scalp. By washing your hair frequently, you will deprive your hair of these natural and healthy oils, and your hair will dry out as a result.

4. Scanning Your Hair More Than Needed

Everything is more than harmful, we all know it from our ancestors' words and life experiences. This also applies to your hair. Just like washing your hair a lot, combing too much will cause breakage and wear. Your hair strands lose their former strength.

5. Getting Started Scanning Your Hair from Above

While you are combing your hair, you may be combing from the bottom of your hair to the tips with your habit. However, this method will make the knots in your hair even more unsolvable if your hair tends to tangle and knot. Instead of combing from the bottom to the tip, start combing your hair from the ends and slowly reach the bottom of your hair by unlocking the knots. Be careful to comb the sources in your hair with this method, so you will prevent spillages and breaks in your resources.

6. Shaping Your Hair With High Temperature

High temperatures applied to your hair are among the main reasons for having dry hair. Dry hair means hair that doesn't grow out. High temperatures that you apply to your hair regularly cause broken hair ends and breaks in your hair. We would like to remind you that improper use of these tools will prevent your hair growth in the long term before you take your curling iron, straightener or even a hair dryer. We recommend that you take a break from such tools for a while and give your hair time to grow stronger and longer.

7. Treat Your Hair Happily

From drying your hair with a towel to making a tight bun at night, how gentle you treat your hair during the day affects your hair growth rate positively or negatively. Breaks can occur when drying your thin and sensitive hair with a thick and hard towel and even when using plastic headbands instead of fabric headbands.

How Can I Extend My Hair Faster?

Now that we know why our hair may not grow, let's learn how we can grow it faster. We have some suggestions for you.

1.Remove Your Fractures As Regularly

Many of you who have heard of this suggestion may be surprised, after all, if we want to grow our hair, it may seem like we should have done the opposite, not cut it. However, if your hair is worn and especially broken, it is a necessity to remove the fractures. When you do not get your fractures removed, these fractures continue to spread upwards over time and continue to break. This is like a horror movie, and in the end your hair cannot grow because of these fractures. It will make you happy with your healthy and extended hair in the long term by cutting the thinned, separated and dead hair ends, sacrificing some of your hair and saving the rest. Quarterly, ask your hairdresser to get your fractures, and if you do it regularly, the length of hair you will sacrifice equals 0.75 cm every three months.

2. Avoid Shaping with Heat

As we have already mentioned, your hair will be dry and grow slowly. We recommend that you dry your hair yourself without using a dryer or use your hair styling tools at 120 degrees. So you can reduce the risk of breakage and wear.

3. Wash Your Hair As Less As Possible

We have already mentioned that frequent washing of the hair cleanses the natural oils secreted by the scalp, causing you to have lifeless and dry hair. So how often should we wash our hair? If you are one of those who wash their hair every day, try to wash them every two days. Increase this time over time and reduce your washing amount to one or two per week. This method will ensure that the natural oil secreted by your scalp moisturizes your scalp, and these oils will go down to your own hair, give your hair moisture and a soft texture and restore your hair's health. On the days between washings, you can use dry shampoo to keep the oily look or keep it lubricated with small knobs, braids.

4. Use Hair Oils That Support Hair Growth

There are certain hair oils that support hair growth. For example, castor oil contains vitamin E, fatty acid, proteins and antioxidants that support keratin in the hair and thus ensure its fast, strong, smooth and healthy growth. If you want to buy this oil, we recommend you to take the cold-press type. Natural castor oil also prevents hair loss. Mix it with a few drops of olive oil and massage it with your fingertips. Wrap your hair with a towel and let it sit overnight and wash it as usual in the morning.

5. Choose a Silk Pillow Cover

Have you ever gone to bed at night with gorgeous curls and woke up like a witch in the morning? Cotton has harder fibers than silk. As you turn on the pillow at night, your hair strands are attached to this cotton fabric and this causes your hair to break and swell. Silk fabric has small fibers, so there is less friction between the hair and the fabric, and your hair will not get caught in small fibers. So you wake up in the morning with smoother hair and you will be one step closer to your future healthy and long hair. If you are not planning to make such an investment right now, make a bun over your head with a fabric headband so that you minimize the wearing and rubbing of your hair.

6. Make a Hair Mask Every Week

Just as you pamper your face with masks, you should show your hair the same love and care. Hair masks contain the nutrients that your hair needs, which nourish and strengthen your hair almost instantly. Such supports will make your hair grow faster. When choosing a hair mask, prefer treatments that will moisten the hair texture more, and treatments with strengthening proteins.

7. Rinse Your Hair With Cold Water At The End Of Your Shower

It's true that we like hot water in general. But what have we not suffered for beauty for centuries? This is nothing for us. This method, which will smooth the outer layer of your hair, will give you healthy hair in the long run. Rinsing with cold water, even for a few seconds, will both add shine to your hair and allow it to grow faster.

8. Change Your Eating Habits

Could the reason for that extra beauty that came to your face occasionally be because you were drinking plenty of water in between? Or was it due to your more regular and healthy diet? The same goes for your hair! Drinking plenty of water will bring the health inside you out. Consuming foods rich in vitamins will help you have a healthy scalp, thus having long and strong hair. Vitamin D, iron, B-complex and zinc are the vitamins you need for healthy hair. Iron; eggs, spinach, broccoli, almonds, hazelnuts, peas oats, rice, etc. located. You just need to be exposed to daylight for vitamin D. B-Complex; Contains biotin, niacin and cobalamin. It is found in avocados, eggs, and whole grains. You can consume lamb, turkey, pumpkin seeds for zinc. You can also use vitamin supplements if you wish. Omega-3, B vitamins,

9. Comb Your Hair More Gently

As we mentioned before, combing your hair a lot will wear and break your hair, thus preventing it from growing. Slowly comb your hair from the ends to the bottom, without hurt, with wide-toothed combs. Your hair is much more sensitive and more prone to breakage when wet.

10. Prefer Microfiber Towels

Similar to traditional cotton pillowcases, hair towels also contain large fibers that rub and tear your hair. Usually, most of us wrap our hair in a hair towel after a shower. What we do not realize is that this tightly wrapped towel breaks fine hair around our face. Microfiber is a very fine synthetic fiber. Towels made of microfiber are much more absorbent than regular towels. Although microfiber towels are not as soft as normal towels, you do not need to rub too much on your hair as it quickly absorbs the moisture in your hair. Thanks to its thin structure, your hair easily slips in the towel and is not damaged. So you can dry your hair more quickly with less frizz.

To be realistic and patient

Finally, we want to add; We wish you not to forget that good things take time and effort. But don't let this break your enthusiasm! The little things you add to your daily routine, the interest and love you give to your hair will surely give you fruit.

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